

The association is formed with an aim of providing a forum for the retired employees to meet and exchange views on different matters and also formulate different welfare measures to help them to tide over difficult situations.  It provides the members an ideal forum to interact in a cordial atmosphere and enrich friendly relationship between them.

The Association also intends to invite eminent personalities in the field of Medicine, Music, Entertainment, Nutrition etc. to update general awareness among members in the chosen fields. Another important activity, the association propose to take up is family get together, Tour to various tourist destinations etc. at least once in a year. The association also proposes to bring up Directory containing relevant member information such as address, phone No., Email Id, Face book account etc.  every year.

Another important objective is to provide Family Health Cover to all retired employees with C-DAC management participation. The association also plans to raise a corpus fund to give financial assistance to the members with active participation of the existing employees of C-DAC.




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